concept image of breast exams machine

Limitations of Breast Exams

Mammograms are a highly effective diagnostic tool. In fact, they are the best screening test for breast cancer at present. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are impacted by breast cancer annually. It is estimated that more than 287,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. This is why getting regular mammograms is necessary. …

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concept image of doctor looking at mammogram results

Is a Callback Normal After a Mammogram?

Medical experts recommend getting your first mammogram at age 40 if you are at average risk for breast cancer. If you are at a higher risk for cancer, you will likely need to get screened earlier. Going to your first mammogram can cause some anxiety, but it’s important for your health. You may have a …

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concept image for breast exam and awareness

Don’t Use These Reasons to Skip Your Breast Exam

Avoiding your annual mammogram can have negative consequences to your health. Due to the prevalence of breast cancer, regular screenings are necessary. Roughly one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Don’t use these reasons to skip your breast exam. Don’t Use These Reasons to Skip Your Breast …

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visual for process of gynecological ultrasound

What Does a Gynecological Ultrasound Show?

While ultrasounds are most often associated with pregnancy, they can be helpful in diagnosing and assessing other medical issues as well. A gynecological ultrasound is a diagnostic exam that uses sound waves to create pictures for your medical provider. You may wonder, what does a gynecological ultrasound show? Below you will find helpful information on …

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Concept image for how accurate are mammograms

How Accurate Are Mammograms?

Maintaining your women’s health depends, in part, on effective diagnostic tools. One of the diagnostic tools that should be on your list of regular exams is a mammogram. Mammograms are an excellent tool to detect breast cancer. In fact, mammograms have saved countless lives as early detection is a major factor in outcomes for those …

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Older woman having top health screenings

Top Health Screenings Women Should Have Regularly

Living a healthy lifestyle includes regular health screenings. In fact, they are just as important as eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising, and managing your levels of stress. Regular health screenings can save your life and improve your prognosis in the case of a health diagnosis. Below you will find the top health screenings women …

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Woman having screening for breast cancer

Benefits & Limitations of Screening for Breast Cancer

Being fully informed about your healthcare and medical screenings is integral to your personal health and wellness. It allows you to make informed decisions about your care and fully understand your choices. Many healthcare decisions require a cost-benefit analysis as there are often pros and cons to every treatment, procedure, or exam. Because breast cancer …

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Woman coping with a gynecological cancer diagnosis

Coping With a Gynecological Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer impacts not only one’s physical health, but also your mental health. After a diagnosis, you may feel a range of emotions, including shock, sadness, fear, anxiety, and even anger. These are all completely understandable reactions and should be thoroughly processed. The ways in which you process this may look different than others, but there …

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Can mammograms miss cancer? This woman is carefully checking an exam result.

Can Mammograms Miss Cancer?

Breast cancer impacts your physical and emotional well-being. Nearly one in eight women in the United States are impacted by breast cancer at some point in their life. It is the second most common cancer for women in the United States, second only to skin cancer. While the diagnosis impacts your physical health, it can …

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Woman making a symbol with hands representating breast health education.

Guide for Breast Health Education

Due to the prevalence of breast cancer in women, education is paramount in combatting the issue. Educating yourself is important for your own personal health, but you can also spread the information to help friends, family, and your community understand how to care for themselves. Below is our quick guide for breast health education. Guide …

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