Benefits & Limitations of Screening for Breast Cancer

Being fully informed about your healthcare and medical screenings is integral to your personal health and wellness. It allows you to make informed decisions about your care and fully understand your choices. Many healthcare decisions require a cost-benefit analysis as there are often pros and cons to every treatment, procedure, or exam. Because breast cancer is so prevalent among American women, it is helpful to understand the respective benefits & limitations of screening for breast cancer. Below you will information that can help you determine how to move forward with your health.

Benefits & Limitations of Screening for Breast Cancer

Mammograms are the most common and reliable diagnostic tool to screen for breast cancer. While they are highly beneficial to the longevity of your health, there are major benefits and some limitations to the diagnostic tool. Mammograms are helpful as early detection is the best-case scenario. Your chances of survival are much higher the earlier your breast cancer is detected. Early detection can also mean that you require less treatment for a shorter amount of time. This is because the sooner you catch breast cancer, the better your outcomes are. The mammogram itself is a short and smooth exam that can provide you with helpful results

While mammograms help detect breast cancer, there are some limitations to the diagnostic tool. In some cases, you may come back with a false positive and need additional testing. This is a small price to pay for the value of mammograms as they have helped countless women survive breast cancer. On the other hand, you may also get a false negative. However, this is rare and should not be the reason you do not get regular mammograms. In fact, this is why regular mammograms are necessary as regular diagnostic exams can help increase your chances of detection. Despite the minor limitations, there is no reason to avoid getting your regular annual mammograms. It is a life-saving diagnostic tool that can improve your quality of life in the long-run.

Getting Your Mammogram

Women at an average risk for breast cancer should get their first mammogram at age 40. If you are at a high risk for breast cancer you should consult with your medical provider to see when you should get your first mammogram. Factors that place you at a high risk for breast cancer include your age, family history, gender (more common in women), if you have had a close family member who has had breast cancer, if you have had breast cancer yourself, dense breast tissue, and race (more common among white women).

If you are unsure if you are at a higher risk, consult with your medical provider as soon as possible. Following your medical provider’s advice on when and how often to get your mammograms can save your life. Mammograms are fast and should take no longer than 20 minutes. They are private, painless, and you only need to get the exam every one to two years, depending on your age and level of risk.

Due to the prevalence of breast cancer in American women, it is important to attend your regular mammograms. Roughly 13% of women in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. You may want to put off your mammogram due to fear or a lack of time, but it is crucial for your health. Since 1990, research has shown that mammograms have saved over 600,000 lives.

Teleradiology in Texas

If you need to schedule a mammogram, contact BreastGYN Imagers. They offer breast imaging services that and are passionate about women’s health. They offer teleradiology in Texas and provide accurate and prompt results. Contact their team today for an appointment!