Encouraging Loved Ones to Get Mammograms

Due to the prevalence of breast cancer in American women, it is important to get regular screenings and take care of your breast health. While you may take care of your own health, some of your loved ones may be less than excited to head to the doctor for their annual mammogram. Encouraging loved ones to get mammograms can be really difficult if they are resistant. Below you will find some helpful tips for how to politely and positively ensure your loved ones attend their regular women’s health visits.

Most Common Reasons for Skipping a Mammogram

Many women skip their mammograms or avoid them altogether for a variety of reasons. This can drastically impact their health so it’s important to understand where the resistance is coming from. This can help you create a plan for a healthy conversation that will motivate your loved one to get to the doctor.

Fear of the Results, Process, or the Healthcare System:

This is the most common fear among women. They either fear the results, the process, or the healthcare system in general. This can be difficult depending on the age, culture, and even value system of your loved one. Be very careful if this is the reason your loved ones will not get their mammogram, as the conversation can make them feel cornered. Acknowledge their fears and be as patient as possible.

Concerns Regarding Pain:

Many women are concerned that a mammogram is really painful. While some women experience discomfort, actual pain is pretty rare. Women often think that their breasts will be smashed between two cold metal plates, but that isn’t the case. The machine is much more comfortable and is pretty quick with a skilled technician. If pain is the reason your loved one is putting off their mammogram, authentically build up their confidence. Compliment them for difficult things they have been through before, and give them information about how fast and simple the process can really be.

Inconvenience and Hassle:

Many people argue that the appointment is a hassle and they don’t have time for the inconvenience of another medical appointment. The appointment itself should not take more than an hour maximum. If your loved one is busy and thinks they don’t have time to schedule their appointment, help take some tasks off their plate. You can also discuss with them how inconvenient a breast cancer diagnosis is and the impact it can have on them both physically and emotionally. Talk with them about how important it is to be proactive about their health as it can truly save their life.

It’s Expensive:

For those who are on a limited budget, this is understandable. However, most insurance providers cover mammograms. In addition, if your loved one is on a state-funded healthcare program they can likely get the exam for free. While many people think the cost is a barrier, mammograms are often fully or mostly covered by public and private providers. For those who do not have insurance, local non-profit programs that support women’s health can be a great resource for picking up some of the costs.

Encouraging Loved Ones to Get Mammograms

Most medical providers suggest getting your first mammogram at the age of forty. For those at a higher risk of breast cancer, you’ll need to talk with your doctor as they will likely suggest you go in for exams earlier. Those who are at a higher risk for breast cancer are people who have had a family history of breast cancer. Teleradiology in Texas can provide you with results that are accurate as it is vital for your overall health. If you need breast imaging services, contact the experts at BreastGyn Imagers today for an appointment!