How to Support the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Due to the prevalence of breast cancer, it’s important to stay on top of your breast health. Roughly 12% of women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer. Educating yourself is one of the best ways to ensure you stay healthy, as early detection is critical. Due to the grave impact breast cancer can have on women and their families, it’s important to work together to combat the issue. Below you will find information on how to support the fight against breast cancer.

Ways to Support the Fight Against Breast Cancer

No matter how much time or resources you have, there are multiple ways to support the cause. Consider doing one or more of the following to combat the prevalence of breast cancer.

Educate Yourself:

Doing your own research is the first step in making a large impact on others. The first step is talking with your physician about when you should have your first mammogram, and what steps you should take to stay healthy. If you are of average risk of breast cancer, you should get your first mammogram at the age of 40. However, if you are at a higher risk, you should talk to your physician about when you should get your first mammogram as it is often sooner than 40. Talk with your doctor about your risk level and get your first in-office screening mammogram as soon as your doctor recommends it. After your first mammogram, you should continue to attend your regular screenings.

Spread the Word:

While personal health screenings may not be a hot topic for your friends and family, it’s important to remind your circle to educate themselves and get screened. Talking with your inner circle can have a ripple effect which can save so many lives. If you have someone who is resistant to go, offer to take them to their appointment so they feel supported. Continuing to talk about breast cancer and women’s health issues can reduce the stigma and have a positive impact.

Support Someone Directly:

Whether it’s someone you know who has breast cancer, or someone who you have connected with through an organization, offer to provide support. This can be as small as making meals or driving them to appointments. Taking the stress of day-to-day activities off someone going through breast cancer can lower their stress levels and improve their ability to recover. Consider giving back to your local community as a way of supporting the fight against breast cancer.


Serving as an advocate for breast cancer awareness can make a huge impact on the fight against breast cancer. There are a number of non-profits focused on legislative lobbying and funding research which are integral components to moving forward with the cause. If you have the time to provide your support on a macro level, becoming a breast cancer advocate can make a difference on both a local and national scale.


If you don’t have a lot of spare time but have the funds to donate, consider giving back to research organizations. Research is integral to finding a cure for breast cancer. Providing professionals and experts with the necessary funding can be a highly effective way to give back. There are a number of non-profit organizations and foundations that are currently doing the work.

Breast Imaging Services

If you haven’t had your first mammogram or if you are due for your next, contact BreastGyn Imagers. They provide breast imaging services that are smooth with fast results. Contact their office today to schedule an appointment!