Importance of Regular Gynecological Testing

Focusing on your overall health includes a variety of different things, including nutrition, mental and emotional health, and fitness. It is also vital to attend your regular gynecological testing. We want to express the importance of regular gynecological testing. Such testing includes multiple different exams, including a pelvic exam, a pap test, and a breast exam.

Numerous factors go into women’s health, including family history and certain lifestyle factors. Below you will find more information on the importance of regular gynecological testing.

Importance of Regular Gynecological Testing

Gynecological testing is a great way to ensure your vaginal and reproductive health are in good shape. The following tests can help determine any abnormalities and reduce the risk of undiagnosed issues impacting your overall health. Talk with your medical provider about when and how often you should be getting the following exams.

Pelvic Exam:

This exam involves a doctor physically and visually examining your reproductive organs. This includes your vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes, vulva, ovaries, and uterus. These are short exams that can be done in a medical clinic. Women should have a pelvic exam by no later than the age of 21. It’s important to talk with your doctor about how often you should be seen. However, it is often suggested to get a pelvic exam annually. Still, under emergency circumstances, you should get an exam immediately. So, we advise you do not wait for your regularly scheduled appointment.

Circumstances that would warrant this include:

  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • A family history of cancer
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Other abnormal gynecological issues

Pap Test:

During your pelvic exam, the doctor will likely perform a pap test. This involves your doctor swabbing your cervix with a small tool. The tool gathers cells so that the doctor can examine them to ensure everything looks normal. Still, any irregularities may require further testing. This does not hurt and happens after your doctor has inserted the speculum.

Breast Exam:

Your doctor may also complete a breast exam to check for any abnormalities. Depending on your age and family history, more extensive testing may be done on your breasts. The physical breast exam is not painful and is also very short.

Gynecological Imaging

In addition to your regular gynecological testing, you may also need gynecological imaging. Some examples of gynecological imaging include pelvic ultrasounds, CT scans, and pelvic MRIs. So, these can help ensure that any conditions you may receive proper management and evaluation.

A pelvic ultrasound produces images to assess the organs and structures within your pelvic area. It allows for a visual of your various pelvic organs, including your:

  • Uuterus
  • Cervix
  • Vagina
  • Fallopian tubes
  • Ovaries

CTs (also referred to as “computed tomography”) scan your abdomen and pelvis.

These can also help your doctor further understand what is happening internally in your body. Lastly, a pelvic MRI (also referred to as “magnetic resonance imaging”) is an imaging test that allows your doctor to see your pelvic area. It can help determine any irregularities.

Breast Imaging Interpretation

If you need a breast imaging interpretation and don’t know where to go, contact BreastGyn Imagers. They offer reliable interpretations from experienced specialists. The team at BreastGyn Imagers are highly experienced with expertise in gynecological imaging and breast imaging interpretation. Dr. Mahesh Shetty has decades of experience in women’s health.

BreastGyn Clinic offers an integrated approach to women’s health and they are mindful of patient anxiety and fears. Their goal is to educate, relieve any patient anxiety, and guide patient’s in making the best decision for them no matter what their health issue is. Contact BreastGyn Imagers today for an appointment!