Overcoming the Fear of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer for women. This unpredictable cancer can strike women of all ages and have devastating impacts on one’s health and well-being. Below, we present a guide for overcoming the fear of breast cancer.

However, just because breast cancer is a daunting disease does not mean that one has to live in fear of this condition. This remains the case even if one is in danger of remission of some kind.

Overcoming the Fear of Breast Cancer

If you’re a breast cancer survivor, or even if you’re just worried about the prospect of developing this condition, take a look at this guide for easing your anxiety surrounding this often-survivable disease.

Remain Prepared

As with most types of cancer, as you age, your risk of developing breast cancer increases. Most people are at least acquainted with someone who has dealt with breast cancer. Fortunately, developments in medicine and recovery tactics have turned breast cancer from a deadly disease to one that can oftentimes be managed successfully.

If you’re able to find breast cancer early, your chances of beating the disease and having a full recovery early are quite high. This is why if you’re 40 years or older, you should plan on receiving a routine in-office screening mammography.

If you’re beginning to have routine mammograms taken, make sure to ask your technician when you can expect the results. This can help you not to worry while you’re waiting for them to come in. Don’t be alarmed if your technician asks you to repeat the test. Generally, this is considered normal for the most part.

Has your doctor noticed something suspicious in your mammogram results? They may request a biopsy of some tissue from your breasts to determine the presence of cancerous material within. If this occurs, try not to fret. Most biopsies return normal.

Have a Support System

Having a support system you feel like you can reach out to in the case of some kind of diagnosis or bad news can make a difference in the long run in how you are able to cope with your results. This can look quite different from patient to patient.

What’s important is that you have someone to reach out to should things get tough. In addition, maintaining a positive attitude throughout some of the tougher diagnoses you receive can make a huge difference in your subsequent treatments. Keep select friends and family members informed about how your treatment and prospects develop.

Practice Overcoming Fear

There are many ways one can overcome the sometimes overwhelming fear that can come with a cancer diagnosis. Some of these practices just take minutes out of one’s day in order to relieve small amounts of stress and anxiety. Some of these practices include:

  • Practice happiness. Happiness is oftentimes a state of mind, and by focusing on the good things in life, you may find that your attitude impacts your recovery process and the results of your procedures.
  • Joining a breast cancer support group. Support groups where you can share your feelings with those going through similar experiences can give you a sense that you’re not alone. Still, there exist many resources out there to connect you with other survivors.
  • Make sure to express yourself and articulate your worries to your loved ones and friends. Bottling up your feelings all to yourself won’t necessarily help you process them in a healthy way.
  • Practicing meditation and other mindfulness procedures can help you focus in on the things that relieve you from stress and worry. These practices have proven evidence to reduce anxiety.
  • Ask plenty of questions. Asking questions of your physician and the breast cancer community can give you a boost in figuring out how you’re going to deal with coping with your own condition.
  • Don’t let your cancer define you. Doctors point to this as an effective coping mechanism for this disease. Not letting breast cancer become your whole identity is essential for maintaining a positive attitude and developing a strategy for recovery.

Of course, you’ll inevitably come up with your own unique methods for coping with your condition and your recovery process. Sharing effective strategies you come up with can help you and your community enhance the available methods for helping other patients deal with this condition.

The Breast Cancer Experts of Houston

BreastGyn Imagers is Houston’s number-one destination for breast cancer treatment and diagnosis. If you’re suffering from this oppressive condition or would simply like to assess your level of risk, contact us today in order to set up an appointment for breast imaging services.