Who Interprets Your Gynecological Imaging?

Gynecological imaging should be interpreted by experts to the task, as the subtle changes in the images can give a patient very different impressions in terms of their results. The kind of expert who interprets this kind of imaging is known as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Below, we look at who interprets your gynecological image.

These physicians have received the appropriate amount of training and are experienced in sonographic imaging methods. They are properly equipped with the skills that can make these types of processes go smoothly and safely.

Who Interprets Your Gynecological Imaging?

If you have a gynecological exam scheduled, take a look at this overview of the kind of person who interprets your results.

Types of Gynecological Imaging

There are many types of gynecological imaging. The most commonly used ones include the following:

  • Pelvic Ultrasound
  • Pelvic MRI
  • CTs

Nowadays, many clinics are able to offer patients services remotely. This is known as telemedicine. This offers a number of advantages for physicians and patients and typically offers quick turnarounds with accurate imaging. This is why many clinics have chosen to head towards this set of methods.

Levels of Training

Generally speaking, an experienced Obstetrician-gynecologist who is appropriately trained should have both the knowledge and the equipment to perform the examination of your physical, as well as interpret the results.

Obstetrician-gynecologists are specifically trained to interpret the results of these procedures, and will observe any abnormalities in your physiology more closely than other types of medical professionals. This inevitably will lend you an edge in terms of having an accurate read on the types of issues that you might be facing.

What Are They Looking For?

There are many possible issues that present with the genital and ovarian health of women. Many of these are accompanied by a set of symptoms that can indicate that there is a medical health issue at hand within these parts of the body. Some of the symptoms include the following:

  • The presence of STIs
  • Discharge
  • Pain
  • Evidence of Pregnancy
  • Itching
  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Sexual development abnormalities
  • Sexual trauma
  • Neurological conditions
  • Incontinence
  • Pelvic floor disorders

Any of the above symptoms should be considered indicative of some type of abnormality with the health of the reproductive system.

What Happens During a Pelvic Exam?

Oftentimes, gynecological imaging is paired with a pelvic exam. During a pelvic exam, a patient is placed on a flat surface or examining table with their feet raised so the medical examiner can clearly observe the section of the body. Once the patient is adequately positioned, the physician will proceed to scan the genital area for signs of any abnormalities.

During this procedure, the physician employs the use of a tool known as the Graves speculum, which is a type of speculum with 2 handles and fixed base used explicitly for this type of exam. The speculum is outfitted with a light source to enable easier observation of close detail of the patient’s body. Typically, these exams are over within a couple of minutes.

Board-Approved Specialists

In general, it’s good to seek out professionals who come board-certified from the professional organization that oversees this element of their practice. This ensures that you’ll end up working with an individual deemed fit to practice by a jury of their peers. Individuals who are board-certified also typically have to go through stringent qualification processes in order to attain this certification.

As with any medical procedure, you’ll want to trust your care in the hands of the highest level quality professional you can manage. This ultimately gives you the highest chance of safety and satisfaction. You should not trust your procedure to those who haven’t had the proper training to interpret your results to the highest level of accuracy possible.

Preparing for Your Imaging Procedure

Because gynecological imaging involves observing parts of the body normally considered private, obtaining informed consent prior to any enactment of the imaging process is essential. From there, your physician will apply the appropriate imaging technique for the reported set of symptoms you have discussed.

Gynecological imaging is considered a minimally invasive process that requires little preparation. Discussing with your physician any special specifications you might have in terms of health conditions that have already been bothering you may be a good idea should anything come to mind.

The Gynecologist of Houston

Breast GYN Imagers is one of Houston’s main sites for offering accurate and informative sessions regarding a patient’s gynecological imaging. If you’re considering receiving breast imaging services, take a look at our services and contact us today.